Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Today i´m going to talk about the english class in this semester ... the last semester of english.

I always think the teacher is important in the subject, because is very different when the teacher is kind and is good to teach. In other hand i think the english class it was very stimulating in many ways, the first reason is because the persons in the class are very nice, in second place, the subject is didactic and some activities are funny, and the third reason is because it´s and indicator the week is over.

About the blogs... mmm for me it´s easy to do, cause let me express myself and is interesting make my opinion, the topics are important to discuss and relevant to know. When we do the free topic is exciting and a little difficult cause i never know what i wanna write, but when i found something to write all the things flow.

I think i need to improve in two aspects principal, first in my reading and my talking... obviously always is better work in the two others aspects, but i think when i´m listening a conversation, is easy understand if they talk clearly ... about writting i think is only practice.

I use english to watch TV, movies or series, i use to investigate different things about mi interest, but i do not use to read papers or research of my career. Actually in psychology is very important read in english because too much bibliography is in english, but to many people do not learn english very well. At the school i never learned english because it was so bored ... and i think i don´t understood the importance to know english  (writing, reading, talking and listening in english).

I think at the school English teach in other form, in a funny way, more children learn, and learn better, but it is responsability to all of student to be interested in their formation.

Friday, November 22, 2013

This year

hello... today i´m going to talk about things of this year.

This year, at the moment is awesome ... with many things i dislike, but another i like too much.
This year has been not specially good, but very quiet and relax... the subjects are not difficult and there are interesting and kind with the tests.

In this year my group of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) had some events, some in other cities, or very important events we are invited, and also we have many projects... some slowly than others.

I have a classmate, she is very kind and smart, she lives in Rancagua, and this semester i look with other eyes, really with other eyes,i see she in a different way, and  she do the same with me. About this i´m very very happy and i hope that this will also continues better and better.

This semester i bought a bike, so every day i use it to go the University or to my work.

I would like to have better health, in this year i suffer an accident and was operated in my right knee... two years ago i was operated in my left knee... and this year both of my knee has been bothering me... and i have to stop my training in HEMA an figure skating..... so this is difficult to me

I consider an achievement i can to do my things, like study my career, work and have time for me.

I wanna to start practice some martial arts, bot my body specially my knees are not very well. So when i get my body and health back i start with karate kyokushin... well i hope this. This karate is very interesting and strong the people who practice are incredible.

This  year are very quiet, because i proposed in that way and i´m glad of this... so many thing good happens when you ask sincerely and with conviction.

Monday, November 11, 2013

My room

Today i wanna to talk about a very special place for me: my room
In my room, i am the unique, i am the king of my kingdom, i can breathe my air and step my floor.

Every day when i wake up i am in MY ROOM and this is important to me, i mean i can sleep in other parts, like friend´s houses, but when i wake up in my room is very comfortable, in my place where i can be myself.

It´s very difficult for me study at my room cause i am very distracted but in my room i can listen the music i prefer,  can read the books i like or sleep a lot.

Differents persons can entry in my room, like my father and my mother, my friends and my cat... there are persons i do not let in on my room, like people i don´t know who are, friends of my sister... and persons i prefer stay out of my room like my sister.

In my room i like to do differents things, for example navigate for internet while i do elongations, i like to do exercices, and talk with my friends. I like work on my projects of University ... actually i´m doing this post right here in my room.

In my room i enjoy my space and my time... i can relax in this place. I feel real happiness and peaceful, obviously when i concentrate on this.

Very well, i really hope you enjoy your own room, regards.

Friday, October 25, 2013

How green are you?

The people learn about "green issues" at school, when you do the experiment of poroto with cotton and water and you learn about plants for planting and the importance of the plants in our world.
We learn about this in public policies, in environment advice of "Chilectra" or "Aguas Andinas". 

In my home there are different cans to recycling, like cans to bottles, organic waste, plastic and papers... at very beginnings it was difficult because we don´t recycling, but with the time it´s very easy and it´s even fun. 

Two weeks ago i bought a bike, i use to go at university and then to go my house. I bought the bike because i need to do more exercise cause my knee, after operation the doctor give me an advice very important to my rehabilitation, he says: "if you wanna healing soon, you most ride a bike". Well, i wanna be okey, so now i ride my bike to university, even i bought a helmet and a lock.
The bike is a used bicycle so i need change the tube of a bicycle wheel. but i´m very happy with my new bike! 

I think the idea of eco-organisation is very important, but sadly i don´t have money, and i don´t have time to spend in their activities. 

I always worry about turn off the light, and cut and care the water, but i know other persons do not the same, so i would like all the people take care of environment. 

About my carbon footprint, when i prefer my bike i reduce my carbon footprint, but i wold like all the people think the same way. I think: if you don´t wanna care our planet,at least don´t hurt it.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Today i´m very very happy!, because today is a very important and interesting day for me!.... but i don´t wanna about this right now.

Today i wanna talk about championship of figure skating, on this country (Chile), on this week, the south-american championship of figure skating is on fire!!

Hahaha, actually is very close of this place, this south-american is in the Estadio Nacional, in street Grecia with Marathon, at skating rink. The countries on participation are Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Colombia, and the selection of the countries invited to the championship like USA, Ecuador, Venezuela and maybe Catalunya.

The championship started three days ago with the presentation of different selections of the countries invited, later the official inscription at the championship and some competitions.
The weather is perfect, the chronogram is not very well, actually the event is terribly organized, the place is to small and uncomfortable, the audio is deficient ... but!, the sportspeople are the best in south-america, they are very faster, stronger and better i remember when in know this world.

Today i invite all of you to this championship!!! It´s a very special and unique experience. you must look with your own eyes the excellent show the figure skaters have. You can found different ages and variations of categories ... like competitions of unique person, couples or groups, this can be of four persons, small groups or big groups (show or precision).

I hope you can go, the end of the championship is at this Tuesday.


Friday, October 4, 2013

Contact improvisation.

Contact improvisation is a form of dance, a post-modern dance. 11
I don´t know to much about this activity but i try to practice this, i do with a friend, she is very elastic and nice, it´s funny do contact improvisation with her. 32

We refers about contact improvisation as "contact cosa" because in my case i don´t like say contact improvisation. In "contact cosa" the persons should be quiet and the most important thing is flow with the movement, do not block this, is like you be passive and active at the same time. 51
In the videos we see they use a very slow music, in some occasions the music is sad, and in others is very  happy. 24

I think if you do "contact cosa" you need a very good partner, and must have to much confidence in  the other. (22) 

My partner is very kind, she is always happy, we always talk about anything and i trust in her, actually i trust everything about me. I like to think i´m very lucky because i know her and i can practice contact improvisation with her.

I would like to write about how i feel when i do contact improvisation with my partner, this is a very relaxing sensation, and is a freedom experience, is like listen music and entry in a trance, but you do with another person.

With my partner we say: "is like having a very intense conversation, but without words".

I think if you look at this video you understand what i´m talking about 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Follow your dreams 

In the university there is so much people you don´t know, other weird people, kind people, and people who do not want to know.

At the university i know very interesting people, my classmates, my friends and my comrades.

There are so many activities and groups you can choose, i choose practice HEMA (historical european martial arts), but i don´t know anything about it. One of my friends of the other class showed me this new world, and i love it.

With this friend i learned a lot of things about the life, and this new world of HEMA, this amazing person is an extraordinary fighter and very disciplined martial artist.

This person had to take one of the most important decisions of his life, he could be a good professional, an excellent investigator, but no, he choose pursuit his dream. Very soon he´ll take a plane to Europa and start a new life away from home and his friend, only to realize his dream.

I am very proud to be his friend, i really think i´m so lucky to know he, because i can say to other people i know a man, a very incredible man who took all of courage an follow his dreams.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A country I'd like to visit.

I want to visit many country, specially Italy, Germany, Russia  and Japan, but i think i prefer Italy.
I like Italy for three or four reasons, the first is because i love pasta, if i´ll go to Italy i eat a lot of differents pastas in diferents places, with diferentes sauces. 
Other reason i want go is because i practice a martial art, the name is armizzare, and this martial art was created in XV century by master of arms Fiore. i´d like study more of this martial art in the place that was born.

Italy is the most famous country for figure skating, i practice this sport, well, when i´m teen. I remember i have a dream at 16 or 17 years old, i said "i go to Italy to train and be the best", so maybe be nice go to Italy to do my teenage dream.

And the last thing i like of Italy is in this country the art in very differents ways is exceptional, i mean the cathedrals of catholic church are awesome, and the paints of his walls, the beautifull monuments and statues. I´m really impress of this respect of Italy and i would to study stetic in Italy, and live a season there to lear more about this  amazing country.