Friday, November 22, 2013

This year

hello... today i´m going to talk about things of this year.

This year, at the moment is awesome ... with many things i dislike, but another i like too much.
This year has been not specially good, but very quiet and relax... the subjects are not difficult and there are interesting and kind with the tests.

In this year my group of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) had some events, some in other cities, or very important events we are invited, and also we have many projects... some slowly than others.

I have a classmate, she is very kind and smart, she lives in Rancagua, and this semester i look with other eyes, really with other eyes,i see she in a different way, and  she do the same with me. About this i´m very very happy and i hope that this will also continues better and better.

This semester i bought a bike, so every day i use it to go the University or to my work.

I would like to have better health, in this year i suffer an accident and was operated in my right knee... two years ago i was operated in my left knee... and this year both of my knee has been bothering me... and i have to stop my training in HEMA an figure skating..... so this is difficult to me

I consider an achievement i can to do my things, like study my career, work and have time for me.

I wanna to start practice some martial arts, bot my body specially my knees are not very well. So when i get my body and health back i start with karate kyokushin... well i hope this. This karate is very interesting and strong the people who practice are incredible.

This  year are very quiet, because i proposed in that way and i´m glad of this... so many thing good happens when you ask sincerely and with conviction.


  1. Nicolas you have been a very good year! I´m happy for you and hope to the next year will be better :)

  2. I also like to practice martial arts, but I think I'm not as tough for that haha
