Friday, September 27, 2013

Follow your dreams 

In the university there is so much people you don´t know, other weird people, kind people, and people who do not want to know.

At the university i know very interesting people, my classmates, my friends and my comrades.

There are so many activities and groups you can choose, i choose practice HEMA (historical european martial arts), but i don´t know anything about it. One of my friends of the other class showed me this new world, and i love it.

With this friend i learned a lot of things about the life, and this new world of HEMA, this amazing person is an extraordinary fighter and very disciplined martial artist.

This person had to take one of the most important decisions of his life, he could be a good professional, an excellent investigator, but no, he choose pursuit his dream. Very soon he´ll take a plane to Europa and start a new life away from home and his friend, only to realize his dream.

I am very proud to be his friend, i really think i´m so lucky to know he, because i can say to other people i know a man, a very incredible man who took all of courage an follow his dreams.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A country I'd like to visit.

I want to visit many country, specially Italy, Germany, Russia  and Japan, but i think i prefer Italy.
I like Italy for three or four reasons, the first is because i love pasta, if i´ll go to Italy i eat a lot of differents pastas in diferents places, with diferentes sauces. 
Other reason i want go is because i practice a martial art, the name is armizzare, and this martial art was created in XV century by master of arms Fiore. i´d like study more of this martial art in the place that was born.

Italy is the most famous country for figure skating, i practice this sport, well, when i´m teen. I remember i have a dream at 16 or 17 years old, i said "i go to Italy to train and be the best", so maybe be nice go to Italy to do my teenage dream.

And the last thing i like of Italy is in this country the art in very differents ways is exceptional, i mean the cathedrals of catholic church are awesome, and the paints of his walls, the beautifull monuments and statues. I´m really impress of this respect of Italy and i would to study stetic in Italy, and live a season there to lear more about this  amazing country.